Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
A Nomad Micro Home is Easier to Assemble Than Furniture
By Christine Walsh on Nov. 11, 2013
The Nomad Micro home is the brainchild of Vancouver architect Ian Kent, who is currently raising funds to begin producing the home through an Indie Go Go campaign. The Nomad Micro Home can be described as a sustainable tiny house kit. It is so small and lightweight that the buyer can ship it anywhere in the world, and once it arrives, anyone with some basic carpentry skills can assemble it on their own.
The Nomad Micro Home measures a measly 10×10 feet and features a living room, kitchen, and an upstairs sleeping loft. However, due to the size constraints, several of these serve a double purpose. For example, the shelves in the kitchen are also the stairs to the loft area and the whole bathroom is also a shower. The Nomad is designed to house one or two people, though several house kits can be assembled together to make a larger home.
The base Nomad Micro house kit will cost $25,000, which does not include optional extras such as solar panels. The panels of the home can be assembled using a cordless drill, and due to its simple foundation, the house can also be moved to a new location on a whim. Pre-engineered green packages can also be purchased as an add-on to the basic house kits, and include rooftop solar energy panels, and rainwater collection and grey water treatment systems.
The building is composed of metal structural insulated panels, with a floor and roof insulation values of R-24 and wall insulation of R-12. The exterior finish is comprised of galvanized metal siding. The electrical system of the Nomads is a 12V power system, which will work with a solar power kit and most other conventional power sources. Other optional add-ons for the Nomad include a compost toilet, a propane water heater, and a propane forced air stove, which taken together have the ability to make the Nomad an off the grid home.
The Nomad house is also well suited for construction in a wide variety of environments. The materials used to build the Nomad home resist rot, termites and fire. Due to this, the home is well suited to assemble in tropical environments and forests, while it can even be used as a houseboat. The home is also resilient enough to weather storms and earthquakes. Some added insulation would even make it suitable for extreme cold conditions.
The Nomad house is also well suited for construction in a wide variety of environments. The materials used to build the Nomad home resist rot, termites and fire. Due to this, the home is well suited to assemble in tropical environments and forests, while it can even be used as a houseboat. The home is also resilient enough to weather storms and earthquakes. Some added insulation would even make it suitable for extreme cold conditions.
Monday, November 4, 2013
19-Year-Old BOYAN SLAT Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7 Million Tons Of Plastic From the Ocean
By Timon Singh, 03/26/13
19-year-old BOYAN SLAT has unveiled plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world. Instead of moving through the ocean, the array would span the radius of a garbage patch, acting as a giant funnel. The angle of the booms would force plastic in the direction of the platforms, where it would be separated from plankton, filtered and stored for recycling.
At school, Boyan Slat launched a project that analyzed the size and amount of plastic particles in the ocean’s garbage patches. His final paper went on to win several prizes, including Best Technical Design 2012 at the Delft University of Technology. Boyan continued to develop his concept during the summer of 2012, and he revealed it several months later at TEDxDelft 2012.
Slat went on to found The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, a non-profit organization which is responsible for the development of his proposed technologies. His ingenious solution could potentially save hundreds of thousands of aquatic animals annually, and reduce pollutants (including PCB and DDT) from building up in the food chain. It could also save millions per year, both in clean-up costs, lost tourism and damage to marine vessels.
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Image: |
-The Effects Plastic Water Bottles Have On Your Drinking Water
It is estimated that the clean-up process would take about five years, and it could greatly increase awareness about the world’s plastic garbage patches. On his site Slat says, “One of the problems with preventive work is that there isn’t any imagery of these ‘garbage patches’, because the debris is dispersed over millions of square kilometres. By placing our arrays hcowever, it will accumulate along the booms, making it suddenly possible to actually visualize the oceanic garbage patches. We need to stress the importance of recycling, and reducing our consumption of plastic packaging.” To find out more about the project and to contribute, click here.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
GMO seeds grow into big fight on Kauai
REPORT AIR DATE: Oct. 20, 2013
MEGAN THOMPSON: The Hawaiian island of Kauai is known as the garden isle, luring hundreds of thousands of tourists to its lush northern shores. But fewer make it down to the drier southwest side, home to many native Hawaiians, who’ve lived here for generations…and where farming has always been a way of life.
Today these fields are home to large biotech companies developing Hawaii’s biggest agricultural product: seeds. Genetically modified seeds, mostly corn, to be shipped back and grown on the mainland.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Those fields behind me belong to Pioneer, one of the big seed companies here in Kauai. The prevailing winds here blow out of the northeast. And the residents here say that when those winds blow, they bring dust and pesticides from these fields down into their neighborhoods and homes.
And some believe that’s making their children sick.
RANDI-LI DICKINSON: In 2007 I gave birth to my son. And within a day we realized he was seizing. And we found that his brain had hemorrhaged and he lost the whole, entire right frontal lobe.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Six-year-old Nakana Dickinson still has frequent seizures, according to his mother, Randy-Li. After consulting with a pediatric neurologist and blood specialist, she now wonders if all of her son’s problems were caused by the location of their home, in the valley just below the fields.
RANDY-LI DICKINSON: And the only thing I could think of is I lived here this whole time I'm pregnant. And I'm getting this drift of dust constantly with pesticides.
MEGAN THOMPSON: You don't know for sure what the cause was of your son's illness.
RANDI-LI DICKINSON: No. And I-- and that's scary to me. And I can’t know for sure because they’re not disclosing anything to us.
MEGAN THOMPSON: A battle has erupted here in Kauai over the seed farms. More than 150 residents have sued Pioneer. Though Pioneer declined to comment on the litigation, the families allege that dust and pesticides contaminated their homes. They’re also seeking damages for lost property value.
Thousands of others on the island demonstrated…
This county council hearing is called to order.
MEGAN THOMPSON: And packed county council hearings in support of a bill, passed just this week, imposing new rules on the seed growers. It creates buffer zones around the fields and forces the companies to disclose what pesticides they're using…when they're spraying… and how much.
Several local doctors had expressed support for the legislation, citing serious health concerns.
RICK GODING: There’s a strong anecdotal evidence that there’s a statistically significant difference in the incidence of cancer, asthma and birth defects.
MEGAN THOMPSON: One pediatrician wrote in an email that he had observed rare heart defects in babies at a rate 10 times the national average. But says years of epidemiological research would be needed to establish the cause.
GARY HOOSER: It's really quite simple. Tell us what you're spraying, what you're growing, and then let us do a study to determine whether people really are getting sick.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Local politician Gary Hooser introduced the bill. He got involved in 2008 after a noxious odor sent several children and a teacher at a school next to one of the fields to the emergency room, complaining of dizziness and nausea.
GARY HOOSER: This is serious, serious stuff that deserves our attention and deserves to be dealt with now.
MEGAN THOMPSON: the seed companies and their employees came out in force to fight the bill.
KU’UHAU GARZA: I want people to know that we are good people and we do the right thing.
MEGAN THOMPSON: the companies said they follow government guidelines on pesticide spraying, and that revealing their farming practices could make them less competitive. What’s more, as some of the largest employers on the west side, they said the bill’s other requirements could threaten their operations and the hundreds of jobs they provide.
CARMELITA HAUMEA: Most people on the west side is employed by the seed companies. We all live as a community, you know.
MEGAN THOMPSON: The four biotech companies in Kauai own or lease more than 12,000 acres – close to 20 percent of the island’s usable farmland. Their fields bump up against the nearby towns.
Seeds are big business in the state of Hawaii, valued more than $240 million dollars a year; more than triple the second-largest commodity, sugar. Mark Phillipson works for Syngenta, and is president of Hawaii’s seed trade group, which represents Syngenta, BASF, Dow and Pioneer, a subsidiary of DuPont.
MARK PHILLIPSON, HAWAII CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION: The reason that we're here-- is the weather. It's-- there's no winter. We're here-- 365 days a year. So, can get three crops a year. Whereas, if we did this type of research or production on the mainland, we would get one crop-- per year. So, something that would take-- ten-to-12 years to develop, we can do here in three-to-four years.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Phillipson says seed companies have developed better and stronger plants, genetically modified to withstand drought and pests.
Today almost 90% of the corn grown in the United States is genetically modified…and according to one industry study, since 1996, the technology has brought an economic benefit of more than 24 billion dollars to America’s farmers.
KATHY HASKINS: This is a row of conventionally-bred line of corn. / And you can see that there’s a lot of damage here to the ear. That’s all from ear worm. This is the same line – same exact line of corn, but it’s got our “Agrisure Viptera” traits in it and you can see that there’s ear damage at all to this ear. It’s beautiful.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Even though the seed companies are only growing crops for research purposes, they still use conventional farming methods. That includes the application of several so-called “restricted use pesticides” - chemicals regulated by the E.P.A. that can only be handled by people with a special license.
MARK PHILLIPSON: We follow all the federal and state guidelines on pesticide use, and those guidelines are very strict and they're-- monitored.
MARK PHILLIPSON: We are very careful in how we apply the pesticides. We, you know-- measure wind direction, wind speed. It's-- not of any advantage for us to have things drift out anywhere.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Because of a new state registry on pesticide sales, and the lawsuit against Pioneer, some information on what’s being sprayed has started to come out. But the seed companies, which invest billions of dollars in research and development, had been largely reluctant to share more specifics.
GARY HOOSER: On the general use pesticides that you use on an annual basis, can any – are any of you willing to disclose that amount? So I’ll take the silence as a no.
MEGAN THOMPSON: The people in community here have been asking for a few years now to know what pesticides are being sprayed by the seed companies here. How much, when, where. Why has that information not been disclosed?
MARK PHILLIPSON: The reason is not so much there's trade secrets, but it's more of competitiveness.
Fast disclosure of those pesticide use will probably tell me the ingredients that you're using that I might not be using. We each represent a unique company that has a product in a competitive marketplace.
MEGAN THOMPSON: There are a lot of people in this community who say they’re getting sick. And they think it might be the pesticides. What do you say to that?
MARK PHILLIPSON: Probably the first-- people in the community that would get sick would be our workers. And there's no indication of that.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Phillipson also points to a recent study by the Hawaii Department of Health showing cancer rates are no higher in Kauai than in other parts of the state…and other tests showing air and water samples to be safe.
But critics accuse the companies of not following spraying guidelines closely enough. Attorneys in the Pioneer lawsuit say this video they shot shows pesticides blowing off a field near town. And even though many of the pesticides are the same ones used by farmers in the Midwest for example, critics point out they’re being applied during more months of the year here.
RICK GODING: How can you tell me I don’t have a right to know what they’re spraying?
MEGAN THOMPSON: And that’s why some residents including local doctors like Rick Goding believe more research is needed.
RICK GODING: The thing about the physicians is, we want to be very careful. And I think some of them are afraid to say anything because they’re afraid to be perceived to be saying, “They’re spraying, and therefore this is happening.” I’m not saying that. I don’t know any physicians that are saying that.
What we are saying is, they are spraying. And we have some problems. Can we find out more about what they’re spraying and can we look at the possibility as to whether it’s got an effect on some of the significant health problems we have in the community.
MEGAN THOMPSON: Even though that bill requiring the seed companies to create buffer zones and disclose their spraying was passed this week … at least one seed company said it’s exploring legal options to block the legislation. So it could be a long time before these residents get all the information that they’re looking for.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Terrafugia considering TF-X, a vertical-takeoff flying car (video)
We've been hearing about Terrafugia's Transition "flying car" for, well, far too long, considering that it has yet to even venture beyond the prototype phase. The prop plane / roadworthy vehicle combo has its fair share of fans -- some of them with deep enough pockets to place an order -- but it won't be making its way from your garage to the runway anytime soon. With that in mind, the company's TF-X vertical-takeoff model is even less likely to see the light of day, but it's being considered nonetheless.
The plug-in hybrid-electric aircraft would take off and land vertically, like a helicopter -- if the DOT and FAA allowed it, you could literally fly over the highway whenever you run into traffic, though we can't imagine that pilots will ever get the green light to take off from public roads, even if the TF-X becomes a reality. For now, it exists only in the minds of Terrafugia's ambitious team, a few image renders and a minute-long animated demo, which we've embedded for your viewing pleasure after the break.
Press Release:
Terrafugia Shares TF-X Vision
Woburn, MA (May 6, 2013) – Terrafugia Inc., the developer of the Transition® street-legal airplane, announced its vision for the future of personal transportation. Building on its experience with the Transition® program, Terrafugia has begun feasibility studies of a four-seat, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) plug-in hybrid-electric flying car, the TF-X™. Incorporating the state-of-the-art in intelligent systems, fly by wire controls, and currently available technology, the TF-X™ will further increase the level of safety, simplicity, and convenience of personal aviation.
"This is the right time for us to begin thinking about the future of the company beyond Transition® development," says Terrafugia CEO/CTO Carl Dietrich, "We are passionate about continuing to lead the creation of a flying car industry and are dedicating resources to lay the foundations for our vision of personal transportation." Terrafugia's design team is excited to be looking ahead to TF-X™ development activities as the Transition® program shifts from research and development to certification, production, and customer support activities. The Transition® serves as a Proof of Process for TF-X™ development and commercialization through the many technical, regulatory, and usage challenges it has overcome.
By directly addressing congestion and other transportation challenges currently being faced internationally, widespread adoption of vehicles like the Transition® and TF-X™ could result in significant economic benefits and personal time savings. Preliminary conversations with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) about the TF-X™ concept have demonstrated their willingness to consider innovative technologies and regulatory solutions that are in the public interest and enhance the level of safety of personal aviation. Terrafugia is excited to be nearing production of the Transition® and continuing to push the envelope of personal transportation. Dietrich adds, "Terrafugia is about increasing the level of safety, simplicity, and convenience of aviation. TF-X™ is an opportunity to provide the world with a new dimension of personal freedom!"
Terrafugia (terra-FOO-gee-ah), based in Woburn, MA, is a growing aerospace company founded by pilot-engineers from MIT and supported by a world-class network of advisors and investors. The company name is Latin for "escape the earth." Terrafugia's mission is to build practical flying cars. More information is available at
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Hydrogen on Demand
Hydrogen on demand or HOD technology has broad range applications in the automotive, medical and welding industries. In the automotive industry there are two types of hydrogen on demand technologies commonly referred to including systems that will power 100-percent of the car to those that partially power the vehicle.
Hydrogen on Demand |
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Hydrogen on demand technology is also used in fueling stations for fuel cell vehicles. Hydrogen can be created on demand by electrolysis of water or by steam reforming natural gas as needed in order to provide fuel for the vehicles.
One exciting field for hydrogen on demand technology is to power small electronic devices and compete with lithium ion batteries. A number of manufacturers including Canon have come out with hydrogen on demand batteries that combine a small fuel cell with a delivery system to provide hours of power to electronics. Small emergency generators can also use hydrogen on demand power.
HOD technology is also useful in the medical field. Deionized or distilled water is used to create hydrogen for gas chromatography, flame ionization detectors, trace hydrocarbon analyzers, HWD detectors or other research applications.
Hydrogen on demand technology is not usually used in atomic hydrogen welding, but is most often used in oxy-hydrogen (HHO gas) welding applications. In this case, water is electrolyzed and the resulting hydroxy gas (hydrogen and oxygen) is burned by the welding torch, often called a water torch since the only emissions are steam and H2O.
The type of hydrogen on demand that I focus upon on this website is HOD for the automotive industry. Hydrogen on demand may be used to power 100-percent of boats, trucks, small unmanned planes and other vehicles such as those created by Millennium Cell.
Using sodium borohydride (NaBH4), a hydrogen-rich chemical compound in combination with water (another hydrogen-rich compound) the H2 can be released and then run through a fuel cell to create electricity or run through an internal combustion engine to generate torque.
But, perhaps the most engaging hydrogen on demand field is the emerging technology of partially running a car on water. Notice, I did not say totally. Water is electrolyzed and a small amount of either hydrogen or oxyhydrogen (via HHO gas generators) is injected into a car's intake system.
This helps the gasoline or diesel to burn more cleanly and completely. In turn the vehicle will use less fuel and the vehicle's emissions will be lowered as well. Hydrogen on demand is here to stay, simply because consumers are demanding it and many inventors are building models and cashing in.
Sustainable Breakthrough Energy Technologies
Source: Alfred Lambremont Webre (YouTube)
Vossa & Webre: Preparing for Teleportation and Time travel -- A Dialogue
VANCOUVER, BC -- In an ExopoliticsTV dialogue from Baja California, Mexico with Alfred Lambremont Webre, new energy inventor and activist Fernando Vossa advocates a novel and challenging perspective for preparing the world for the advent of teleportation as a global transportation technology in the not too distant future through disclosure campaigns like those championed by former U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago.
It is known through whistleblowers like Andrew D. Basiago and Michael Relfe that teleportation was developed forty years ago by the DARPA as a weaponized technology. Vossa and Webre in dialogue explore the concept that humanity must bring teleportation to the public domain in a technological and cultural context of Love, not war. Humanity can prepare itself for teleportation in the not too distant future by becoming aware of and internalizing its own innate ability to teleport and time travel and by acknowledging the ancient traditions and cultures that focused on teleportation and time travel. An internally informed humanity can serve as a critical mass for the release into the public domain of teleportation and regulated time travel technologies that are not weaponized, but are adapted and transformed for healing the supporting the human body and liberating the human community while used.
In this public dialogue, Vossa and Webre explore the how teleportation and time travel -- now coming out of the realm of science fiction -- can be holistically introduced, implemented, and adapted to our society in a positive way.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
SASER TECHNOLOGY (Sound/Sonic Resonance) as a source of FREE ENERGY
Michael did a presentation at the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (BEM) conference in 2012. In this session, he describes free energy system from ancient civilisations, and finishes off with his model for a society based on contributionism, or UBUNTU.
Saser - The Sonic Laser
Scientists from the University of Nottingham have produced a new type of acoustic laser device, called Saser. It is a sonic equivalent to the laser, capable of producing an intense beam of uniform sound waves on a nano scale. The new device could have significant and useful applications in a variety of fields, such as computing and imaging.
The Saser uses ultra-high frequency sound waves, in a similar manner to the way laser uses light waves. The traditional Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) uses packets of electromagnetic vibrations called ‘photons’. The result is a continuous photon beam, created via stimulating electrons with an external power source; the release of energy (occurring as the electrons collide) is made in a highly reflective optical cavity. The coherent and controllable shining beam of laser light is due to the photons’ homogenous frequency and rate of oscillation.
The Saser mimics the laser technology, but instead of light waves it employs sound waves, and instead of photons it sends phonons. In addition, instead of sending waves through an optical cavity, the sonic Saser travels through a tiny structure called a ‘superlattice’. This structure is made out of 50 super-thin sheets of two alternating semiconductor materials, Gallium Arsenide and Aluminum Arsenide. In order to achieve the exact effect, each layer must be as thin as air – just a few atoms thick. When the phonons are inside the superlattice, they bounce, multiply and eventually escape in the form of an ultra-high frequency photon beam.
Previous researches have tried to develop sound-emitting devices, but this is the first time a device emits sound waves in the terahertz frequency range. As for the beam itself, it consists of coherent acoustic waves, produced at nanometer wavelengths. The scientific and technological applications vary; one example of the Saser’s potential is the sonogram, a device that can scan for defects in nanometer scale objects like micro-electric circuits.
Another application converts the Saser beam to terahertz electromagnetic waves. These can be used for medical imaging and security screening. In the nanotechnology field, high intensity sound waves can be used to change nanostructures’ electronic properties; therefore, the Saser could be used as a high-speed terahertz clock, which could make the computers of the future a thousand times faster.
While laser is found in common devices (such as supermarket scanners and DVD players) and across various industries, the Saser is still under development. However, its makers are convinced that it will become just as common.
In addition to the accolade given by the publication of the study in Physical Review, the research team has won a grant of £636,000 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; the team intends to use the grant to further develop the Saser technology over the next four years.
TFOT has previously covered a research that aims to model the sound of water, conducted by scientists at Cornell University in Ithaca, as well as the development of flexible, transparent nanotube-based loudspeakers at Tsinghua University and Beijing University. Other related TFOT stories include the Laser ‘Knife’, a device that fits to the front of a laser source and tames it into usable beams that are able to travel long distances, and the world’s first weapons-grade electronic laser, which is being developed by Northrop Grumman.
For more information about the Saser, please visit University of Nottingham’s website.
Icon image credit: Wikimedia Commons user Barakitty
Scientists develop saser--an acoustic laser--that produces terahertz sound waves
June 19, 2009--Scientists at The University of Nottingham, in collaboration with colleagues in the Ukraine, have produced an acoustic laser device called a saser that is the first to emit in the terahertz range. While a laser (Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation) uses packets of electromagnetic vibrations called photons, the saser uses sound waves composed of sonic vibrations called phonons (see "'Saser' is resonant acoustic device").
In a laser, the photon beam is produced by stimulating electrons with an external power source so they release energy when they collide with other photons in a highly reflective optical cavity. This produces a coherent and controllable shining beam of laser light in which all the photons have the same frequency and rate of oscillation. The saser mimics this technology but using sound, to produce a sonic beam of phonons that travel, not through an optical cavity like a laser, but through a tiny manmade superlattice composed of around 50 super-thin sheets of two alternating semiconductor materials, gallium arsenide and aluminium arsenide, each layer just a few atoms thick. When stimulated by a power source (a light beam), the phonons multiply, bouncing back and forth between the layers of the lattice, until they escape out of the structure in the form of an ultrahigh frequency phonon beam.
A key factor in this new science is that the saser is the first device to emit sound waves in the terahertz frequency range. One example of its potential is as a sonogram, to look for defects in nanometer-scale objects like micro-electric circuits. Another idea is to convert the saser beam to THz electromagnetic waves for medical imaging and security screening.
The research team at Nottingham, with help from Borys Glavin of the Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics in the Ukraine, has won the immediate accolade of the publication of their paper on the saser experiments in this month'sPhysical Review. The team also won a grant of just over a million dollars from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to develop saser technology over the next four years.
For more information, go to
--Posted by Gail Overton,;
Adam's Calendar
In and amongst a vast network of stone ruins is a site like no other. It is not stone circles. It is standing stone circles. There are giant standing stones like Stonehenge in Nelspruit! Johan Heine is attributed for rediscovering this site. This site is situated on Barberton cliff overlooking the Barberton impact crater just outside Nelspruit. Adams Calendar is a settlement of enormous standing stones made from dolerite. These massive stones have been brought onto this site from elsewhere. The builders of this site chose this location very carefully. It is situated exactly on the 31 degree latitude line which I am sitting on now in Durban, the white lions are sitting on in Timbavati, the pyramids of Giza are sitting on and St Petersburg in Russia is sitting in. This is an energetic layline running through mother earth.
On visiting this site one is startled straight away as standing at the entrance pillar is a giant stone man with a triangle carved in his forehead. In 1994 this stone man was stolen and some years later it was returned as a memorial plaque to the Blue Swallow Nature Reserve. Stone man has been moved from its original position, which is approximately 2 kilometres away up the hill and at the entrance to the main standing stone site. Stone man is not standing at the entrance to Adams calendar. Baba Mutwa calls stone man the clitoris of mother earth. This is because the clitoris is a frequency device.
On entering the Blue Swallow nature reserve, one begins a short climb up onto the cliff plateau and then the long walk up a winding causeway of standing stones and stone pointers, with smaller standing stone circles until we reach the big one, the entrance to the main calendar site.
Baba Mutwa was initiated there in 1937. He calls the place Inzalo ye Langa, ‘birthplace of the sun.' Michael Tellinger has called it Adams Calendar.
The energetic effect of this great standing stone circle is considerable. Adams calendar is a big standing stone circle about 30 metres in diameter and the tallest standing stone has fallen over. It measures about 4 metres. It is a carving of Horus. When it stood it would greet the rising sun.
The point where the rising sun meets with mother earth is the point that Baba Mutwa describes as “where heaven mates with mother earth.” Father Sun and Mother Earth are caught in a loving embrace, amongst the rising and setting of the entire starry cosmos.
There is also suggestion that at the point where Adams calendar is, there is a great crystal inside the earth, under this site. Bermuda Triangle is also said to have a great crystal beneath it, causing visitors to slip through dimensions and ‘disappear.' Yet I did not disappear like the sailors on Bermuda triangle when I stood at Adams Calendar however I did experience something deeply spiritual.
On standing between the calendar stones I felt a sense of peace and purpose. I will say I felt at one with God!
Stone Ruins
Southern Africa is scattered with ancient ruins. They are of an extreme antiquity. There is evidence that these ruins were devastated by a great flood in about 12 500 BC. Old maps of Africa, show the Port of Sofala in Mozambique. It is now underwater.It was linked to the kingdom on Monomotapa.
There was an ancient gold mining civilization in Southern Africa. In Tellinger's books and presentations he presents photographs of ancient mine shafts showing how this civilization had an unparalleled gold mining operation. Studies have revealed more than 20 000 of these ancient shafts in the Lichtenberg area alone, which suggests many ancient mine shafts all over Southern Africa. These shafts were cut to such extraordinary precision and depths, that it suggests laser / saser technology was used to cut the rock.
The work of Johan Heine adds the context to this hypothesis. Johan was with the fire department in the Limpopo region. Johan has been flying helicopters in the area for many years. He has taken hundreds of aerial photographs of that region. Michael has augmented these with aerial photographs from google earth of the entire region of Southern Africa.
There are potentially 10 million stone circles all over Southern Africa. They are networked together and all linked together by roads and terraces. These photos create the impression of the stone circles being like cells on the skin of an animal, millions of circular cells all networked.
Some of these stone circles are well known and easy to visit from the ground. Visiting on the ground is a different experience to seeing them from the air. It is like visiting one isolated cell.
On visiting the site at Watervalboven I noticed a sense of desertedness. What is otherwise quite a green area was suddenly parched. The sand was a deep red in colour. The stone circle there, is isolated, other than a couple of partial ruins beside it. This stone circle is strongly built with many small stones packed tightly into the walls. It has internal walls and all these walls are curved.
These stone circles have no distinct doors or entrances. They are elaborate patterns with one explanation. These circles were built in the cymatic shape of the resonant frequency of that point on the earth's surface. These circles imitated the physical representation of the sound vibration at that point on mother Earth. These stone circles were battery cells on the skin of mother earth. They tapped into the free and natural energy of mother Earth.
Sound = free energy.
Throughout the stone ruins of Southern Africa, Michael has found a large number of hand-held artefacts; cones and sacred stones. Michael calls this the ice cream cone phenomenon and in his books and presentations gives a lot of evidence for this, attributing his realisation to Ed Leedskalnin's design of Coral Castle.
The cones fit inside the sacred stones. He calls the sacred stone a frequency converter. Inside the sacred stone, the cone would be given a specific frequency. One cone would be charged with one frequency and another cone would be charged with a second frequency. Somebody could hold these two cones, one in either hand. These two cones would be pointed in a cross path. At the crossing point where these two distinct sound frequencies meet, objects could levitate. Michael added, “The higher the frequency, the higher the energy.”
There is an intrinsic relationship between vibration and matter.
“Our entire body resonates at 7 hertz and approaches harmonic resonance of mother earth,” says Michael Tellinger.
The energy of the stone circles is measurable. Will current civilization re-use this free energy technology?
The age old symbol of the cross in the circle is associated with these ruins and there are many examples of ancient carvings of the cross in a circle found at sites all over the country. Michael has presented photographs of sound cymatics in microscopic detail which leads to the striking observation that the holy cross in a circle is generated from sound cymatics.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Water Powered Car Unveiled: Yes It’s Real
by Arjun Walia
Everyday the world becomes aware of technologies that have the potential to halt the unnecessary damage we continue to create using fossil fuels. We’ve been talking about it for years, transitioning our way of life to be more harmonious with the planet and its natural systems. I’m not talking about solar or wind power (although great), I’m talking about clean and green technology that render fossil fuel burning technologies inferior and obsolete.
One of these “new” technologies is a water fuelled car, and it has been unveiled on a number of occasions. It’s an automobile that derives its energy directly from water, and water alone. It is not hard to see why it’s not available to the masses. An engine powered by water would wipe out a large chunk of the fossil fuel industry and change the way these companies do business all together. The oil and gas corporations combine to bring in trillions of dollars every year. Inventions like these are a direct threat to the industry.
This isn’t a conspiracy! The reality of this device has been verified by patent offices all over the world. To search a Japanese patent, you have to go through the Industrial Property Digital Library (IPDL). This organization makes patents available to the intellectual property department of the Japan Patent Office. The IDPL provides over 60 million documents and their relevant information as published since the end of the 19th century. The fact that these are even published for patent pending says a lot.
Click HERE to view the water energy system patent. You can also visit the Industrial Property Digital Library itself, do a “PAJ” search. Type in the publication number **2006-244714**. Documents are also on file with the European Patent Office, you can view them HERE. Reuters also did a brief report on the vehicle as you can see in the video below.
So what happened to Genepax? Approximately a year after revealing their device, the company shut down. They stopped displaying their device as well as promoting it. The only explanation given was a lack of monetary funds.
Genepax isn’t the only group to have come forward demonstrating that we can turn water into hydrogen fuel and use it to power cars. Stanely Allen Meyer is another one who invented a water powered car and it received very little attention when it came to making the news available to the masses. Today, it’s a fairly well known story due to the mass awareness that has been created around the story. Stan’s invention was picked up very briefly by a local news station in Ohio. You can view his patent HERE, it also describes the whole process. You can view the entire collective of his documents here
Here is another brief clip of Stan as he demonstrates his technology. Water contains a lot of hydrogen, as we know, which is a very efficient type of fuel. Converting water into hydrogen is 100 percent clean!
So what happened to Stanley Meyer? He was sued by potential investors, it was determined that his device was nothing revolutionary and simply uses the process of electrolyses. His claims were determined fraudulent, and his technology was under investigation by a number of investors, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense. It was patent pending, all of a sudden Stan Meyer died suddenly in 1998 after dining at a restaurant. Many close to him, including his twin brother, believe Stan was intentionally poisoned. Stan claimed,, just before he died in he restaurant parking lot, that he was poisoned.
Water makes the perfect fuel source. It’s comprised of two hydrogen atoms and one atom of oxygen. When the water molecule is separated into its two component atoms and oxidized as fuel, the result is equivalent to an energy output that is two and one half times more powerful than gasoline. The byproduct of the combustion is water vapour, totally pollution free, returning water back into the atmosphere. The process used is known as electrolysis, which is a method of separating elements by pushing an electric current through a compound. Various techniques for water splitting have been issued in water splitting patents all over the world. You can click here to look at a few from the United States.
Not to long ago, researchers at Virginia Tech extracted hydrogen energy from water. They discovered that the energy stored in xylose splits water molecules as-well, yielding high purity hydrogen. You can read more about that here. There are multiple examples of creating hydrogen by splitting the water molecule (2).
Another existing technology that can replace that entire industry is the Free Energy Device. Implementation of these two technologies alone would create one of the biggest technological changes in human history. The same group of people that own the big oil companies also own the mainstream media, so it’s not surprising that we don’t hear about these technologies. Scientists have been murdered, labs have been burnt down, and prototypes have been taken.
Alternative technologies are great, and obviously have tremendous implications. We must remember that the human race cannot create from the same level of consciousness that created this system in the first place. A change for planet Earth coincides with the change of heart more people are experiencing everyday. The key to move forward and enter into a new paradigm is simple, it’s love. With love, we’d already have these technologies implemented Because of greed, hate, fear and ego, they remain surprised, but only for now.
Hopefully this article inspires more to further their research on water powered cars. There are multiple stories with very similar endings for the parties who came forward with this ground breaking technology. Why do we continue to speak about change when we already have the technologies to implement change? One reason is because a large majority of people have yet to become aware of these alternative technologies. They are not marketed, publicized or given much attention. It can be hard to accept that there are people on the planet actually engaged in the suppression of such information, but unfortunately it’s a reality. We are living in the age of transparency, many of us are waking up to thoughts and ideas we never thought we would ponder. In some cases revealing these technologies can cost you your life, that’s how much opposition exists against it -for now. When a new technology becomes so evidently clear, the implications are far reaching and can threaten multiple corporate interests.
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